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About Bone Apple Tea

Bone Apple Tea blog aims to inspire and guide its readers to maintain a healthy mind, body and soul. We categorize our articles based on the following: “Bone” - workout guides for the body, “Apple” - healthy recipes for a calm mind, and “Tea” - books, restaurants/cafes, places or anything that is good for the soul. Through this, we would love to engage with wellness enthusiast who can also share their practices, recipes, workout routines, and discoveries and be featured in the blog. If you have anything to share that fits our goal, please feel free to get in touch! We'll be waiting. :)

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This section focuses on workout guides, challenges, and routines. At the same time, it persuades the readers to be fit to the bone. Fitness is not just about losing weight or having a sexy body but a chance to have a higher quality of life and possibly a longer life.

We all know that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”, but will you really eat an apple everyday? So in this section, we share a variety of healthy food recipes that readers can include in their daily meal. It encourages readers to skip the short term goal of “diet” and lean towards a long term lifestyle change.

This section answers “What’s the tea for the week?”. It is anything interesting that makes the readers keep an active soul and wandering spirit. Anyone can share and be featured as it aims to help each other to keep our inner light from burning out.

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